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Alliances & Partnerships

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Benefits for Allies & Partners 

At all our events and summits we always join forces with important wine governing bodies, international organizations, promotional boards, foundations and other institutions which endorse and help us promote our conferences and events, while obtaining the benfits listed below. 

All our Allies & Partners have the right to:

  1. A 25% discount for members, associates, and staff to register for the event.

  2. One VIP invitations to attend the entire event.

  3. Include your logo in advertising media such as the event website, digital brochures, etc.

  4. Projection of a 30 second promotional video on the main screen during the days of the event.

  5. One full color page advertising in the official magazine of the event.

  6. Include a speaker or moderator if the Technical Committee deems it appropriate.

  7. Mention the collaboration in the social networks of the Event and in possible press releases.

  8. Wineries and companies associated to the organization will be entitled to a 10% discount at the Trade Fair Area.

  9. Optional: A stand in the Trade Fair Area - (the partner shall cover the setup cost).

Contribution Requested from our Allies & Partners:

  1. The main objective of the partnership is to help promote Wine Future and encourage participation.

  2. Include the Event logo, with the corresponding link, in any communication or digital advertising of the institution.

  3. Communicate to all its associates, members, staff, and directors the celebration of the event and the collaboration agreement that has been reached.

  4. Communicate to all its associates, members, staff, and directors the special price to which they are entitled to participate in the event and / or to hire a stand at the Virtual Expo.

  5. Include advertising of the Event in any communication that is issued such as newsletters, press releases, etc.

  6. Mention the event on the different social networks and the institution's website.

Allies & Partners of Past Editions 

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